Sunday, April 13, 2008

Final Post

Wow, this class has gone by so fast! Time does fly when you are having fun....or doing a gazillion assignments. Haha, I really enjoyed this class.I thought that this was going to be a repeat from the other computer class that I took last semester, but it was a lot different. Learning Microsoft Office 2007 was the best for me. I also liked learning about blogs, wikis, and making webpages.

One thing that I really didnt like about this class, is writing these blogs. I just don't see what the point is in making us do one every week. Why couldn't we have just learned how to do them, then moved on to the next we did everything else. I think that blogging is fun, but only to do when I feel like it and when I can write whatever I in this post. We had enough assignments in this class already!!

In closing, I will remember mostly everything that I learned in this class. I will also try to use it when I teach. One thing that I liked about Mr. Gentile's teaching is that, he didnt go directly by the book. I liked that we were learning about things that most other classes would not get to learn grade book software. Although sometimes I found myself wondering why we were talking about certain things, like the "computer world" that we talked about last week, when we could be spending our time on things that really matter in the class? I'm really glad that I took this class...not like I had a choice, but I know I will definitly benefit from it. Thanks for a great semester Mr. Gentile!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blog #10 baby!!!

Wiki's, Web pages, say that I woud use any of these as a PE coach, would basically be lying. However, for the sake of this assignment, the one that I would consider using would be a wiki. There is a catch, I would not use this for my students. I think that creating a wiki about physical education and having other teachers give their opinions or share assignments will be a great idea.

I liked reading about how other girls in this class will use wikis. Some of their ideas were brilliant. Any person, anywhere, can be a part of someones wiki. I like to think of it as one million people that make up one main idea. The thought of tons of people giving you their imput on something that is important to you, is awesome.

One skill that I would like to learn next would be using Microsoft Access and maybe work somemore with Wikis. I also wish that we could've spent a little more time on webpages. I was introduced to Microsoft Access briefly in another coputer class. Guess what? I didn't understand an ounce of what I supposedly learned. Also, I woul love to have my own permanent webpage. Not for career reasons, basically just for myself and friends.

I think that keeping up to date with technological advances, like I've said before, is my technological goal. How could I keep up with my own webpage if I wasn't caught up with all of the changes in technology? Good question! Therefore taking a computer class, every now and then, will benefit me and help me to reach my goal.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Its only Blog #9???

Here I am again...another boring blog to write. I want to tell you about all of the web tools that I'm going to use as a physical education teacher. I want my students to be healthy and learn about being healthy. I will make my kids do a report on ways to stay fit. The Better Health USA website will help them complete this assignment. This site shows teens and kids how to live healthy and eat right.

Another web tool that I will use is Google. I know that there will be times when I run out of ideas for class. I will use Google as a search tool when trying to find games or fun activities to do with my kids. You can never run out of ideas when you have Google on your side. There will always be something else that is fun and enjoyable to do. Google will help me find it.

Since the semester is almost over, I would love to learn more about grade book software. I really don't want to be one of those old boring teachers that has one of the red grade books. Knowing me...I will probably lose it. I need something that I can keep and not carry around. Learning a little about the grade book software last week was really interesting and will be useful. I just have to remember what it was called. ha ha

To reach my technological goals, I would love to take a minor computer class every year. Just to keep up to date. You will never have too much information. The more I know, the better.

Chapter 8 Yippee!!

Chapter 8 talks about security issues, ethics, and emerging technologies in education. There are many security issues when it comes to the Internet and your computer. The main security issue for me is identity theft. Hackers can get into your computer and retrieve all of your personal information. You can use passwords to help prevent this from happening. You computer can also catch viruses that could potentially destroy your computer. You can get an antivirus program to get rid of these viruses. Computers have their own set of ethics. One of the ethic rules is copyright. Never copy any ones work that's copyrighted. It is illegal!

Well, its been a while since my last post. I have learned how to use the 2007 version of Microsoft power point. I really love all of the new additions. The layout of the 2007 version is extremely user friendly. I made two completely different power points and enjoyed working on both of them.

My future technological goal is basically, just to keep up with the ever changing technological world. As a PE coach, there are very little technological skills needed to do the job. However, you never know when you might need to make a presentation or communicate with you students and their parents in other ways, like email. Keeping up with technological advances will help me to keep my mind open.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Chapter 5 YESSSSSSSSS!!! not lol

Chapter 5 is about integrating digital media and educational software applications. In this chapter I learned the difference of Digital media and multimedia. The main difference is that digital media is just! Digital media educational programs can be interactive. This means that the student can chose the way they want to learn about the subject matter. You can also integrate digital representations into education. An example of this would be graphics. There are also Computer based training programs to learn on as well.

Some new skills that I've aquired since the last posting are the same skills that were on my last post. I have gotten used to working with Wikis and the more that I use these...the more I like them. One new thing that I've learned is the 2007 Microsoft Power Point. While I don't consider myself to be a pro at Power Point, I deffinitely know more than others. I really enjoy doing power point and I know that I will use this in my career.

One thing that I would like to share with the class is "do not get behind on these blogs"! It becomes a pain to have to make them up!! Try to stay ahead. Also, I really like how this class helps each other out. I know I can ask anyone a question and they would be more than willing to help me. That is a good thing to know!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 covers mostly all aspects of searching the internet. From using search engines to media sharing. Search engines are probably the most commonly used things on the internet. Take Google for example; anyone who has very little experience with computers even knows how to use Google. The page is set up to where it is very user friendly. This chapter also informs the reader of how to use these search engines correctly. For example: which keywords to use when searching? Another thing that chapter 2 talked about was media sharing and websites like Facebook and Myspace. These are places where people go to chat, share pictures, play music, etc. Blogs were also discussed in this chapter.

What are Wikis? If you would've asked me that before last class, I would have been pretty dang clueless to tell you the truth. I really enjoyed learning about Wikis and I think that they are very useful in todays world. Posting things on the internet that other people can edit and work together on is a great idea! Forget meeting at the library to do a group project! It can all be done over the internet with no physical meetings. Who really likes group projects anyways? I dont! but at least this will make them more convenient.

Now, Im going to type my post on the class WIKI. Hopefully I'll do it right. Haha, I really enjoy learning new things. While Wikis arent particularly new, They are new to me. I'm sure that I will use Wikis in the future for something. I'm glad that I was introduced to Wikis.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chapter 4 Whoop-ti-doo!!

Here I am again ladies and gents, to bring you the joy of another blog about a chapter from my textbook. Chapter 4 covered many issues, but I want to tell you about input and output devices. What? Well input devices are anything that allows you to enter in data. Examples of input devices range from a general keyboard on a computer to an Ipod or even a cell phone. Output devices are any components of the computer that convey information to the user. Examples of this are the computer speakers and your printer.

Last class, I learned how to use a program called Inspiration, to create concept maps and flow charts of information. I created two charts. The first one that I created was a concept chart that was pretty darn my opinion. It was about shopping, but it was all that I could think of at the time. The second was a flow chart. I used the Flow Chart setup to show how blood flows through the heart. I was kind of amazed at how easy this new program "Inspiration" was to use.

In closing, I am glad that I learned about Inspiration. I think it is a great easy, but effective method to use in the classroom. Some students are visual learners. When they see concepts or processes laid out in a chart form, it might help them to grasp the central idea being discussed. I will keep this information with me as I continue my career, because I'm sure that it will be useful.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blog Post #2 Chapter 3 Baby!!!

This chapter is mostly about the operating system and tools for educators. There are different types of software's that help people in specific areas. One is Tax Preparation Software. These like, Turbo Tax, help people to file their own taxes. Another type is Grade Book Software. This can be used school wide. It gives teachers a more organized way to take attendance, grade test, etc. The last one that I'm going to talk about is Presentation Graphics software. Most students are probably familiar with Power Point presentations. These are a form of Presentation graphics software.

I have acquired a few skills since my last post. Dealing with the new Microsoft Word, has proven to be a little bit complicated. I had to play with it for a while before I could understand it. I learned how to make a background on my page. I didn't even know that was possible with Word. Its kinda like hidden alley with many things that are undiscovered.

This week, I had the opportunity to go and observe a 4Th grade class. I was amazed at how much these kids used technology in their learning. The teacher had her own myspace page that she posted her assignments on every week. She also had times when she had live chat. if a student needed help with their homework, they could go online at those times and ask their teacher. I thought that this was a really great idea. Some students are not comfortable asking questions in front of classmates. This gives the silent kids a chance to get their questions answered.

OK....I better get to work on my Newsletter that I was supposed to do last week!
Whatever!I know I'm not the only one that does this stuff at the last minute!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Chapter 1

Here is another Lindseyology post about my class. Today I read about an interesting perspective that teachers can take to get get their classes in the learning spirit. What I'm talking about is called the ARCS motivational model. This model has 4 main points to it: Attention, Relevance, challenge/confidence, and satisfaction/success. Attention points out the fact that a lot of kids get easily distracted. If you have a lesson that is interesting and keeps the kids attention, this makes them want to learn more. Also make your lessons relevant to what is going on in the world around the kids. It makes it easier for them to understand. Next, the students need o be challenged to achieve their goals. Once they have achieved their goals or completed their task, they have the confidence and satisfaction in themselves that they can do anything in the classroom.

Since my last post, I learned about Microsoft Word 2007. This s a really updated version for me. When I first looked at the layout of the 2007 version, to be honest...I was kinda worried. However, after playing around with it for a few minutes
i noticed that it is pretty much the same as what I had been using. Just a different layout. I just had to learn how to navigate the system. I really like the new version.

I want to close out tonight with a few thoughts. Although I have already taken a class that covers mostly the same things that this class does, we didn't do blogs. I think that this is a great idea...I just wish we didn't have to write so much. I mean, three paragraphs isn't really a lot, but for those of us that are procrastinators, its like a freaking book. Ha ha, it really isn't bad. I like this class so far.

Since this class is nothing but girls... Heath saddddd!! :(

Saturday, January 12, 2008

This is a continuation of my first post. I'm a newbie when it comes to all of this blogging stuff. While I do have some technological experience, its not a lot. I did take a computer class at the junior college that I attended. In this class, I learned how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access. I use Microsoft Word and Excel everyday at my job. Working as an Administrative Asst. is where I use these. I think that I am really good at Word and Excel.

In this class, I hope to learn more about Excel. For example, How to set up a grading system. Or learn which methods/formulas to use in certain situations. I would also like to learn what "Not to do". There are some things that teachers need to stay away from or set certain boundaries when it comes to technology. These would be great to know. It would suck to lose my job over a blog!

In class today, I realized that I need to really listen and take notes about what is going on. I have a tendency to get lost really fast if the situation involves multiple steps. I also need to ask questions when I don't understand something. I normally try to figure things out on my own. This usually leads to problems. Ha ha, I really think that I will enjoy this class.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My First Post

This is my first post.