Saturday, January 12, 2008

This is a continuation of my first post. I'm a newbie when it comes to all of this blogging stuff. While I do have some technological experience, its not a lot. I did take a computer class at the junior college that I attended. In this class, I learned how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access. I use Microsoft Word and Excel everyday at my job. Working as an Administrative Asst. is where I use these. I think that I am really good at Word and Excel.

In this class, I hope to learn more about Excel. For example, How to set up a grading system. Or learn which methods/formulas to use in certain situations. I would also like to learn what "Not to do". There are some things that teachers need to stay away from or set certain boundaries when it comes to technology. These would be great to know. It would suck to lose my job over a blog!

In class today, I realized that I need to really listen and take notes about what is going on. I have a tendency to get lost really fast if the situation involves multiple steps. I also need to ask questions when I don't understand something. I normally try to figure things out on my own. This usually leads to problems. Ha ha, I really think that I will enjoy this class.

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