Monday, March 31, 2008

Its only Blog #9???

Here I am again...another boring blog to write. I want to tell you about all of the web tools that I'm going to use as a physical education teacher. I want my students to be healthy and learn about being healthy. I will make my kids do a report on ways to stay fit. The Better Health USA website will help them complete this assignment. This site shows teens and kids how to live healthy and eat right.

Another web tool that I will use is Google. I know that there will be times when I run out of ideas for class. I will use Google as a search tool when trying to find games or fun activities to do with my kids. You can never run out of ideas when you have Google on your side. There will always be something else that is fun and enjoyable to do. Google will help me find it.

Since the semester is almost over, I would love to learn more about grade book software. I really don't want to be one of those old boring teachers that has one of the red grade books. Knowing me...I will probably lose it. I need something that I can keep and not carry around. Learning a little about the grade book software last week was really interesting and will be useful. I just have to remember what it was called. ha ha

To reach my technological goals, I would love to take a minor computer class every year. Just to keep up to date. You will never have too much information. The more I know, the better.

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