Sunday, April 13, 2008

Final Post

Wow, this class has gone by so fast! Time does fly when you are having fun....or doing a gazillion assignments. Haha, I really enjoyed this class.I thought that this was going to be a repeat from the other computer class that I took last semester, but it was a lot different. Learning Microsoft Office 2007 was the best for me. I also liked learning about blogs, wikis, and making webpages.

One thing that I really didnt like about this class, is writing these blogs. I just don't see what the point is in making us do one every week. Why couldn't we have just learned how to do them, then moved on to the next we did everything else. I think that blogging is fun, but only to do when I feel like it and when I can write whatever I in this post. We had enough assignments in this class already!!

In closing, I will remember mostly everything that I learned in this class. I will also try to use it when I teach. One thing that I liked about Mr. Gentile's teaching is that, he didnt go directly by the book. I liked that we were learning about things that most other classes would not get to learn grade book software. Although sometimes I found myself wondering why we were talking about certain things, like the "computer world" that we talked about last week, when we could be spending our time on things that really matter in the class? I'm really glad that I took this class...not like I had a choice, but I know I will definitly benefit from it. Thanks for a great semester Mr. Gentile!

1 comment:

jgentile said...

Your super welcome. By the way,I think you could CERTAINLY use a wiki for your students in P.E. You could easily have them go on the wiki and post person health achievements, how many miles they walked per week, how they thought about certain aspects of our unhealthy society, what they were going to do to make life more healthy. They could make a link of sites that they found that they thought were really good like that help you loose weight or something. You would want to keep away from person info because some smart alec could get on and say something stupid about someone else. Get the idea though?